Your 1:1 Moves to Millions Intensive
Are you ready to take fast-action and make immediate moves toward hitting those consistent 5-figure months? The Moves to Millions 1-Week Intensive is designed specifically for women who are committed to building a business they love while balancing family, fitness, and free time. This intensive is perfect if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed by one aspect of your business and need expert guidance to transform it and boost your income.
How it works:
We’ll begin with a thorough deep dive into your business. We’ll explore the area of your business where you’re struggling most. Next, we’ll pinpoint what’s already working well in your business. Understanding your strengths will allow us to build upon them and address any gaps holding you back from hitting those 5 figure months. You’ll gain clarity on the next steps to take to fall in love with your business again while also hitting your lofty income goals. By the end of our intensive, you’ll have a crystal-clear plan to fast-track growth in your business, with actionable steps that will help you move toward consistent 5 figure months.
This intensive is for the woman who is ready to stop guessing and start doing. As someone who built a million dollar business in 2 years, I know the strategies to implement for marketing, messaging, selling that will get you to those consistent 5 figure months. I can look at your business strategy and immediately spot the areas that we need to tighten up. I then know what steps to take next to hit those income goals. Together, we’ll create a clear, personalized action plan that not only transforms the area you’re struggling with but that will also set your business up to hit those consistent 5 figure months.
An intensive is perfect for you if -
You know you are capable of growing a million dollar business, you just need a few more tangible action steps to get you there
You have grabbed everyone’s freebies, bought all the $47 growth and marketing guides, listened to all the podcasts, and you’re still not seeing it translate into more income
You want to hit the ground running and take fast action to expedite your growth
What’s Included:
FREE pre-intensive coaching consultation:
This will allow us to decide if this is the right next step for you. I'll answer all your questions, and we can determine the focus of your intensive.
1 full week of 1:1 support:
One 90 minute session where we will dive into your business. We will pick 1-2 areas to focus on (think marketing, messaging, finances, hiring, etc.). I will spot what’s not working to support your growth and give you actionable steps to take after this meeting.
One week of email support:
Email anytime during the one week following our 90 minute call with questions that come up in order to continue experiencing the growth you're looking for.
BONUS: One 30 minute follow up call to talk about your next steps in continuing to grow your business and ensure you’re heading in the right direction to hit those consistent 5 figure months.
Additional BONUS: if you decide to continue on with my 1:1 Move to Millions 6 month coaching within a week of your intensive, your investment will be applied and credited towards your first month’s coaching fees (we’ll just skip the first call, since we just had it!)