My Approach
First and foremost, I believe firmly in work/life balance, I believe that we can actually enjoy the work we do. AND I believe we are all capable of making a shit ton of money in the process and funding a life that we truly love.
My Business Non-Negotiables
1. Authenticity
You don’t have to change yourself to be successful in business. I don’t just think you can show up as your authentic self and run a million dollar business, I know you can, because this is exactly how I built my million dollar business while prioritizing my family, fitness, and free time.
I have always shown up as my authentic self in anything business related - from wearing bright patterned leggings and a messy bun in staff meetings, to babywearing on a walking pad during business meetings, to being transparent and relatable with my team.
And all this helped me build this business.
I’m here to help you dig inside yourself to learn who you want to show up as in your business (this is the psychologist in me). I know what questions to ask, what prompts to give, and what support you need to run your business in the most genuine way. This allows business to not feel like work - the ultimate dream amiright?!
2. Exploring with Passion
You can absolutely turn your passion into wealth. Your business does not have to be a separate entity from the things you love spending time doing. Cue this business of mine.
I will help you think about your day to day, what you love doing, and how we can incorporate these into your business. You can wake up each day excited to do what you do. You can tune into your zone of genius, and when you operate from this place, the belief in your version of success turns into reality.
3. Body and Mind
When you feel powerful in both your body and your mind this will lead to a powerful business. And if you’re thinking, “I hate my body” or “I’m a ball of anxiety” “there’s no way I can have a powerful body and mind”
I’m here to tell you - you CAN.
I’m not here to preach body positivity or tell you you need to have your ideal body - that’s just not what this is about. Hell, I’m still on this journey myself - especially in this postpartum phase.
But what I AM here to talk about is believing in actions and capabilities. Believing you can lift a certain amount of weight, or hit a certain RPM on the bike, or run for 30 minutes. Knowing what you need to do when the anxious thoughts pop into your head. When you build your belief and trust in yourself to show up in your body and mind, you will easily build your belief and trust in your ability to market, grow, systemize your business. It will even help you push through those times when you want to give up - like seeing a launch through to the end (when most people buy anyway!).
Feeling strong in your mind and body is a non-negotiable, and if you’re not there yet, that’s okay. That’s what I’m here for!
And here’s the thing -
I practice what I preach.
I don’t believe in hustle culture, and I will never tell you to do something that doesn’t feel aligned with your values or personality (though I will push you to get outside your comfort zone a bit!).
I’m not here to tell you to wake up at 5 am, work 10 hour days, or that you have to give up having those days of doing nothing but watching TV (or for my mamas - watching Ms. Rachel with your kids all day).
I’m simply here to help you push your mind to new beliefs,
Move your body in ways that feel empowering, and
Develop a simple and effective strategy that will actually lead to consistent 5 figure months to build to your first million, without compromising your wellness, your family, or your down time.